Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Annapolis and beyond

Today was a heavy day with visits with two very articulate and scholarly gentlemen; one from Sabeel and the other from Musalaha, a group who believes that "as conflict in the Holy land persists, Israelis nd Palstininians find themselves in the midst of a violent and intractible struggle. Years of coflict between our peoples have allowed a process of dehumanization of the "other". Believers are also impacted by the cycle of fear, violence and hatred. Thus reconcilition has become one of the central issues with the body of the Messiah". Salime and leaders of messianic Israeli and Palestinian christian communities lead groups of Israeli and a Aalestinian men on desert trips together to learn about each other and discuss their common values. The gentleman from Sabeel suggested the Peace process now being discussed in practical way avoids the core values of the Christian faith: peace, non use of weapons, human rights and non discrimination because of race. He says unless the discussions are around these core values, nothing will be achieved. The rest of the after noon was spent on a tour by the ISRAELI committee against House demolitions which showed how the Israeli government is incrementally building settlements which will establish more 'facts on the ground" that prevent the Palestinians from living on the land. A closing on a positive note is that none of this need happen if we as Americans object. The work is ahead of us. BILL


music not war said...

Bill-Daoud wow'd 'em at Busboys and Poets on Monday night, I am told. Plans continue for this coming Sunday at Trinity.
Thank you for expanding my view. I didn't hear the breadth of the problem until now...

Bill said...

Hi Bill,

Thanks for your response. I was beginning to feel like the voice in the wilderness. We met with the settler today at Ephrata settlement. He was quite smoothe in his justifications for Israeli positions on the right to the land, but in denial with the Palestinian reality on the ground, and the history of international law and shortcomings on the Israeli side. Is Daoud visiting Trinity in the morning, or in the evening as planned? I haven't heard from Kay. Would have her check my mail? I made a request for a phone number of a friend here. She must be busy with the painting. Bill

Bill said...

Hi Bill,

Thanks for your response. I was beginning to feel like the voice in the wilderness. We met with the settler today at Ephrata settlement. He was quite smoothe in his justifications for Israeli positions on the right to the land, but in denial with the Palestinian reality on the ground, and the history of international law and shortcomings on the Israeli side. Is Daoud visiting Trinity in the morning, or in the evening as planned? I haven't heard from Kay. Would have her check my mail? I made a request for a phone number of a friend here. She must be busy with the painting. Bill

Ann said...

Bill, Your postings are very interesting to read. I wish I could write as succinctly as you. I'm probably giving too much information and not enough analysis and personal reflection. I have finished only through Jerusalem.