Monday, October 4, 2010

Sojourn for a Just Peace

Dear friends,
In three weeks, I will again leave for Israel and Palestine with the primary purpose of standing together with those who represent non-violent resistance to the occupation. I learned nearly five years ago, that our presence there meant so much to people who were working daily for a just peace, because of their feelings of isolation. However, just being there seemed like such a meager symbol of support for me to offer. I no longer take that gesture for granted. My expectations for this trip are much like last year. Unlike the years before '09 when I traveled with a delegation, this will be another independent journey, (not alone as I felt the presence of many good friends, and God always seemed to be there too in unanticipated ways). Whenever I seem to worry about a specific purpose or a calendar of events, my friend Daoud would say, "MEESH MISHKULA" (NO PROBLEM)"Not to worry, we'll have plenty for you to do!". I take that to mean, God will provide. Next time, in Bethlehem on October 28th.

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